If you have cash to spare then you can always make an investment. The rates are just like the loans varying, so there are worse and better times to take the investment. The rate is also non-cumulative, so the rate is calculated on the invested money and paid back once the investment term is over. The invested money is taken from your balance straight away, and the minimum amount to invest is 1 000 000,- while the maximum is 10 000 000,-. It's also only possible to invest money you have in your balance, so it's not possible to invest an amount that would lead you into debt. Unlike the loans, it is possible to do 3 investments at once. | If you have cash to spare then you can always make an investment. The rates are just like the loans varying, so there are worse and better times to take the investment. The rate is also non-cumulative, so the rate is calculated on the invested money and paid back once the investment term is over. The invested money is taken from your balance straight away, and the minimum amount to invest is 1 000 000,- while the maximum is 10 000 000,-. It's also only possible to invest money you have in your balance, so it's not possible to invest an amount that would lead you into debt. Unlike the loans, it is possible to do 3 investments at once. |